Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day Five: Moving on Up or Out

Last night we were informed we would be moving to the Sheraton so that we could all get our own rooms, as promised by Del York. So we packed up and loaded several vehicles full of people and suitcases to what will now be our home for the next four weeks, the lovely Sheraton, Abuja.

The hotel will be a good fit for us, as it is not full of the political, business men that the Hilton boasted, making us constantly feel underdressed...But of course because we were in a luxury hotel for a few nights we got a little used it some adjustment time will be needed, we (I) am happy to call this home...but of course I'll be happier when the man comes and fixes my air conditioning...

Alex waiting in the lobby of the Sheraton (happy now, alex?)

After our move we drove back into town to have lunch. On the drive I started talking to our driver, Pablo, who is from Cameroon, about the driving laws. There are no stop signs or lights or really any traffic laws. Everyone drives fast but not ridiculously fast and people really seem to let people have the right of way, but its definitely intimidating to watch. So as Pablo took our vehicle through the center medium and "flipped a bitch" in front of some cops I had to ask him,
"Do police write traffic tickets here."
"Traffic tickets?"
"Yeah like for speeding or wreck-less driving?"
(laughs) "No, no."
"Well what about for drinking and driving."
"Oh no we aren't supposed to that. I think they maybe just make you sleep on a cot for a bit."

Pablo making a very legal u-turn through the center medium

a bad example (the picture not the dress)of the beautiful traditional dresses women wear

the new view from the Sheraton

1 comment:

  1. Oh it will be nice to have your own room for the next 4 weeks. Sharing a room with anyone (except me!) for more than a week can be hard :) What are those little huts in your view from the Sheraton?

    I leave you with this : "Morgan your such a bitch, get the dog off the bed!!"

