Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day Ten: Classes Begin

So due to some contractual disagreements I have had very little access to internet this past week…not to mention 12 hours of working in the heat every day leads to swimming pools and lack of energy to do anything more than throw myself into bed each night. So, yes I am well, alive and working hard.

School started on Monday technically, but really classes started on Tuesday with a lot of chaos and disorganization (not on our end mind you), but the students were clearly excited to be there and that’s what really matters.

We were able to set-up everything by the time classes started, but not without a lot of hard work on an extremely hot sunday....with the day ending in a giant rain storm almost flooding the school. Apparently it was the first rain in months and oddly when we went back to the hotel (only 20 mins away) everyone who was there said not a drop had rained.

***bah ok, so the internet here is so slow I can't upload any pictures, though I have so many to share...i'll start by posting these stories and hopefully I can upload some pictures later tonight...

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